Source code for gcudm.models.road_centerlines

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Created by pat on 4/5/18
.. currentmodule:: road_centerlines
.. moduleauthor:: Pat Daburu <>

from sqlalchemy import Column, String
from geoalchemy2 import Geometry
from ..model import model
from ..meta import column, ColumnMeta, Requirement, Usage
from ..base import Base, ModelMixin

[docs]@model(label='Road Centerlines') class RoadCenterline(Base, ModelMixin): """ Road centerlines are the principal polyline features that represent road segments traversable by most emergency vehicles. """ __tablename__ = 'road_centerlines' geometry = Column(Geometry('LINESTRING')) srcFullNam = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Source Full Name', requirement=Requirement.REQUESTED ) ) #: here is an annotation! addRngPreL = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Left Address Number Prefix', requirement=Requirement.REQUESTED, nena='AdNumPre_L', usage=Usage.DISPLAY ) ) addRngPreR = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Right Address Number Prefix', requirement=Requirement.REQUESTED, nena='AdNumPre_R', usage=Usage.DISPLAY ) ) fromAddL = column( String, ColumnMeta( label="Left 'From' Address", nena='FromAddr_L', requirement=Requirement.REQUESTED, usage=Usage.DISPLAY ) ) toAddL = column( String, ColumnMeta( label="Left 'To' Address", nena='ToAddr_L', requirement=Requirement.REQUESTED, usage=Usage.DISPLAY ) ) fromAddR = column( String, ColumnMeta( label="Right 'From' Address", nena='FromAddr_R', requirement=Requirement.REQUESTED, usage=Usage.DISPLAY ) ) toAddR = column( String, ColumnMeta( label="Right 'To' Address", nena='ToAddr_R', requirement=Requirement.REQUESTED, usage=Usage.DISPLAY ) ) rngType = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Ranging Type' ) ) parityL = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Parity Left', nena='Parity_L' ) ) parityR = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Parity Right', nena='Parity_R' ) ) preMod = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Street Name Pre Modifier', nena='St_PreMod' ) ) preDir = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Street Name Pre Directional', nena='St_PreDir' ) ) preType = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Street Name Pre Type', nena="St_PreTyp" ) ) preTypeSep = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Street Name Pre Type Separator', nena='St_PreSep' ) ) strName = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Street Name', nena='StreetName', requirement=Requirement.REQUIRED ) ) postType = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Street Name Post Type', nena='St_PosTyp' ) ) postDir = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Street Name Post Directional', nena='St_PosDir' ) ) postMod = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Street Name Post Modifier', nena='St_PosMod' ) ) lgcyPreMod = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Legacy Street Name Pre Modifier', ) ) lgcyPreDir = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Legacy Street Name Pre Directional', nena=None ) ) lgcyPrType = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Legacy Street Name Pre Type', nena='LSt_PreDir' ) ) lgcyPrTySp = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Legacy Street Name Pre Type Separator' ) ) lgcyName = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Legacy Street Name', nena='LSt_Name' ) ) lgcyType = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Legacy Street Name Post Type', nena='LSt_Type' ) ) lgcyPstDir = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Legacy Street Name Post Directional', nena='LStPosDir' ) ) lgcyPstMod = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Legacy Street Name Post Modifier' ) ) esnL = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='ESN Left', nena='ESN_L', requirement=Requirement.REQUIRED ) ) esnR = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='ESN Right', nena='ESN_R', requirement=Requirement.REQUIRED ) ) msagCommL = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='MSAG Community Name Left', nena='MSAGComm_L', requirement=Requirement.REQUIRED, usage=Usage.DISPLAY ) ) msagCommR = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='MSAG Community Name Right', nena='MSAGComm_R', requirement=Requirement.REQUIRED, usage=Usage.DISPLAY ) ) countryL = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Country Left', nena='Country_L' ) ) countryR = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Country Right', nena='Country_R' ) ) stateL = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='State Left', nena='State_L', usage=Usage.DISPLAY ) ) stateR = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='State Right', nena='State_R', usage=Usage.DISPLAY ) ) addCodeL = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Additional Code Left', nena='AddCode_L' ) ) addCodeR = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Additional Code Right', nena='AddCode_R' ) ) incMuniL = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Incorporated Municipality Left', nena='IncMuni_L', usage=Usage.DISPLAY ) ) incMuniR = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Incorporated Municipality Right', nena='IncMuni_R', usage=Usage.DISPLAY ) ) unincCommL = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Unincorporated Community Left', nena='UnincCom_L' ) ) unincCommR = column( String, ColumnMeta( label='Unincorporated Community Right', nena='UnincCom_R' ) )